Gangi smiles made every day​

We are delighted to welcome you to our clinic, where our mission is to provide excellent dental care with a human touch. At Gangi Dental Care Hollywood, we believe that a healthy and beautiful smile is essential for the quality of life and well-being of our patients.

Our team of highly qualified professionals is committed to offering personalized and high-quality treatments, using the latest dental technologies and techniques. We want to ensure that your experience with us is as comfortable and pleasant as possible.

We look forward to taking care of your smile!


Visit Gangi Dental Care in Hollywood / FL

Gangi Dental Care is a dental clinic located at 2303 Hollywood Blvd, Ste 14, Hollywood, FL 33020. The clinic offers a wide variety of high-quality dental services, including teeth whitening, root canal treatments, dentures, orthodontics, extractions, implant restorations, fillings, and sealants.


What our patients say about our services


Return to smiling with Gangi

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