Gangi smiles made every day​

We look forward to welcoming you with excellent dental care, movies and music with noise-canceling headphones, warm lavender masks, candles, complimentary coffee or tea, and much more. We want it to be a pleasure to visit our office from Tustin, North Tustin, Garden Grove, Orange, or any other nearby community. Call us to schedule an appointment!


Visit Gangi Dental Care in Tampa / FL

In Tampa, we are conveniently located near the intersection of North Tustin Avenue and Irvine Boulevard, next to the Costa Mesa freeway. There is always plenty of free parking right in front of our office.



What our patients say about our services


Smile Again with Gangi

Dental braces

Teeth Whitening

Aesthetic Dentistry

General Dentistry

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🇺🇸 Thank you for contacting Gangi Dental Care! Let us know how we can help.